Configuration - dedimania.xml

This file provides the configuration settings for plugin.dedimania.php, the plugin that handles all Dedimania world records database activity.
  • <url>
    The URL for Dedimania communication, do not modify this.

  • <log_news> (X1 only)
    Controls whether to log Dedimania news in the logfile.

  • <show_welcome>
    Controls whether to show the welcome message in the chat.

  • <show_min_recs>
    Defines the minimum number of records you'd always like to see at the start and end of tracks, and (minus 2) with /dedilive.

  • <show_recs_before>
    Controls whether and where to display existing records at start of each track in the TMF/TM² system message window (2), the chat window (1), or not at all (0).

  • <show_recs_after>
    Controls whether and where to display (possibly) updated records at end of each track in the TMF/TM² system message window (2), the chat window (1), or not at all (0).

  • <show_recs_range>
    Controls whether to display the records range if there are no new records.

  • <display_recs>
    Controls whether to show messages for newly driven records.

  • <show_rec_logins>
    Controls whether to include logins for players in the /dedirecs output on TMF/TM².

  • <recs_in_window>
    Controls whether to display records in the system message window (TMF/TM²) or in the chat.

  • <limit_recs>
    Defines the highest record that will be displayed to all players. Records above this limit will only be displayed to the pertaining player, so typically this is the same as your Server MaxRank.

  • <keep_best_vreplays> (X2 only)
    Controls whether to store all best validation replays per track and player session in UserData/Replays/VReplays/.

  • <masterserver_account>
    The dedicated server's login and, on TMN/TMF, its password or community code and nation, or, on TM², the server's Dedimania code.

  • <welcome>, <timeout>, <messages>
    These are the message strings related to Dedimania, which can be customized or localized into other languages.
Last updated: 2022-12-12