Configuration - includes/jfreu.config.php

This file provides the configuration settings for the full and lite Jfreu plugins, jfreu.plugin.php/ and jfreu.lite.php.
  • $conf_file
    Defines the path to and name of the dynamic config file (default: plugins/jfreu/jfreu.config.xml).

  • $vips_file
    Defines the path to and name of the file with the vip/team_vip lists (default: plugins/jfreu/jfreu.vips.xml).

  • $bans_file
    Defines the path to and name of the file with the temporary bans list (default: plugins/jfreu/jfreu.bans.xml).

  • $servername
    Defines the server's base name for the rank limiting system.

  • $top
    Defines the prefix string to the rank limit for the server's name.

  • $autochangename
    Set to 1 to automatically change the server's name when the rank limit changes, or 0 to disable this.

  • $ranklimit
    Set to 1 to enable rank limiting (allowing players when their ladder rank is good/low enough), or 0 to disable this.

  • $limit
    Defines the default rank limit when auto-ranking is disabled.

  • $hardlimit
    Defines the maximum rank limit for spectators.

  • $autorank
    Set to 1 to enable the auto-ranking system (automatically adjusting the rank limit based on the average of all players' ranks), or 0 to disable this.

  • $offset
    Defines the offset from the current average rank to determine the auto-rank limit.

  • $autorankminplayers
    Defines the minimum number of players required to activate auto-ranking.

  • $autorankvip
    Set to 1 to include VIP/unSpec players in the above minimum number, or 0 to exclude them.

  • $kickhirank
    Set to 1 to enable the kick hirank system (when the server is full and a new player arrives, the one with the worst/highest rank is kicked), or 0 to disable this.

  • $maxplayers
    Defines the maximum number of players before the kick hirank system is activated (must be less than the dedicated server's <max_players> value).

  • $unspecvote
    Set to 1 to allow users to start /unspec votes, or 0 to disallow this.

  • $player_join
    Defines the chat message for a joining player, without server rank

  • $player_joins
    Defines the chat message for a joining player, with server rank.

  • $player_left
    Defines the chat message for a leaving player.

  • $infomessages
    Set to 2 on TMF/TM² to divert Info messages to the system message window, 1 for chat messages (as before), or 0 to disable them.

  • $message_start
    Defines the prefix string for Info messages.

  • $messageX
    The numbered list of Info messages (max. number 999).

  • $badwords
    Set to 1 to filter chat messages for badwords, or 0 to disable this.

  • $badwordsban
    Set to 1 to temporarily ban an offending player after two series of $badwordsnum warnings, or 0 to merely kick the offending player after every series.

  • $badwordsnum
    Defines the number of badwords that are warned for until the offending player is kicked or temporarily banned.

  • $badwordstime
    Defines the temporary banning period used by the badword filter (default: 10 minutes).

  • $badwordslist
    The list of badwords to check for.

  • $novote
    Set to 1 to automatically cancel any ongoing CallVote (upon onChat events), or 0 to disable this.
Last updated: 2022-12-12